Native Turf Grasses
available in standard roll size (24” x 60” = 10 square feet)
For Urban Landscape Areas that withstand mowing:
Native Bentgrass™
• Agrostis pallens
- Slender robust plants with narrow blades
- Establishes well on most soil
- Grows in full sun and filtered
- Aggressive creeping growth
habits which result in a dense sod
Delta Grasslands Mix™
• Molate Fescue - Festuca rubra
• Slender Hairgrass -Deschampsia elongata
• Junegrass - Koeleria macrantha.
- Blades are dark green and vary from fine to moderately coarse
- Prefers moist soils and in a maintained setting will require limited irrigation
- Thrives in full sun and grows in partial shade
Native Mow Free
• Molate red fescue - Festuca rubra
• Idaho fescue - Festuca idahoensis
• Western fescue - Festuca occidentalis
- A combination of fine-leaved, loosely- tufted and creeping grasses
- Performs well on many soil types and areas such as hillsides, meadows and slopes
- Grows in full sun and partial shade
- Thrives in bio-swale conditions
For Bio Swale Areas
For bio-swales, roadsides, medians, irrigation canals, erosion control and
environmental mitigation areas
Delta Native Heartland Sod™
• Purple needlegrass - Nassella pulchra
• Molate fescue - Festuca rubra
• Nodding needlegrass - Nassella cernua
• Three Weeks Fescue - Vulpia microstachys
• California barley - Hordeum brachyantherum
- Six very attractive, low-growing, densely-
tufted, California native grasses
- Grows in neutral, alkaline or saline soils
- Tolerates partial shade, extreme heat and
drought conditions
Biofiltration Sod™
• Molate fescue - Festuca rubra
• California barley - Hordeum brachyantherum
• Purple needlegrass - Nassella pulchra
• California brome - Bromus carinatus
- A combination of upright wide-bladed California barley and brome grass, with smooth and finely-textured fescue and needlegrass
- Withstands alkaline conditions in both droughty and clay soil types
- Tolerates partial shade, extreme heat and drought conditions
• Nodding needlegrass -Nassella cernua
• Purple needlegrass - Nassella pulchra
• Junegrass - Koeleria macrantha
• Molate fescue - Festuca rubra
- Three bunch-type grasses with a small percentage of creeping fine fescue
- Leaf blades are smooth and fine with slight hairiness on the surface of the blade
- Likes disturbed, droughty, not-well-prepped, heavy incline sites and tolerates poor soils
- Thrives in full sun and also grows in partial shade
Finally, a Bolero™ Dwarf Fescue you want to walk barefoot on!
The result of over five years of research and development with one of Oregon's leading plant breeders, Delta Bluegrass Company is proud to offer its new signature turf Bolero™ and Bolero Plus™. It features bluegrass-like texture, is more heat tolerant, and offers excellent disease resistance.
What distinguishes Bolero™ dwarf fescue from other fescues is that Bolero™ has its origin in the Mediterranean latitudes. Most other dwarf fescues originate in northern Europe. This distinction makes Bolero™ and Bolero Plus™ ideally suited for California climates.
BOLERO PLUS / 95% dwarf fescue, 5% bluegrass
BOLERO / 100% bolero (dwarf
Delta Bluegrass Co. Traditional Turf Grasses
Roll size: 24” x 60” = 10 square feet | Roll weight: 40-50 lbs | 1 pallet: 600 square feet
90% Tall Fescue Blend /
10% Bluegrass
Good color, low
maintenance, adapts to
shade well, winters well,
deep rooted, very little
thatch, mowing height as
low as 1 1/2" to 2 inches,
heat, humidity, and drought
resistant. Care Chart
BLUEGRASS Four-way Bluegrass blend
Quick healing from traffic
and machine damage,
crowds out weeds, uniform
growth, dark green
appearance, resistant to
powdery mildew, winters
well. Care Chart
BLUE RYE50% Bluegrass Blend / 50% Premium Ryegrass Blend
Mowing height of 3/4" to 2",
resistant to powdery mildew, fusarium and leaf rust, dark blue green color year round, good heat and drought tolerance, grows well in sandy or clay soil. Care Chart
100% RYE 100% Premium Ryegrass Blend
Specifically cultured for the
golf course market, excellent for a close-cropped, fine blend look; excellent disease
resistance and shade tolerance, beautiful winter
color. Care Chart
65% Pure Gold Dwarf Fescue / 15% Moonlight Kentucky Bluegrass / 15% Shadestart Crested Dogtail / 5% Shade Camp Deschampsia
Specifically designed for up
to 40% daily shade amounts. Contains tall fescue blended with a combination of shade
blends. Highly suitable for
special erosion control on
slopes. Care Chart
Penncross or SR Dominant
Specifically developed for golf tees, putting greens, or other lawn sport activities. Care Chart
MOW-FREE Blend of sheeps, hard, and creeping fescue that
creates a meadow-like look.
Can be left unmowed if desired. Good shade
resistance. Works well on slopes and unmowed roughs on golf courses. Care Chart
BABY™ BERMUDA Hybrid Bermuda. Excellent for high use athletic surfaces. Semidwarf turf with very fine blades. Dense turf with rapid lateral growth. Exhibits earlier spring green up. Develops minimal thatch. Care Chart
419 TIFWAY Excellence in high traffic areas or athletic fields. Prefers full sun. Mowing height of 1/2 to 3/4 inches. Excellent heat and drought tolerance. Recovers
quickly from abuse or neglect. Care Chart
Greenfields Turf, Inc.
Roll size: 24" x 54" = 9 sq ft Roll weight: 40 - 50 lbs 1 pallet: 504 sq ft
Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue Our most popular sod, Enduro is a new generation of sod that provides a darker green color, finer texture and lower growth while keeping the hardy nature and lower water needs of its original ancestors. Enduro is an excellent lawn for both home and commercial landscapes. Enduro is the best choice for traffic or high wear areas.
Blue Ridge Blueridge is our traditional and 20% Perennial
Ryegrass blend. This is a
dense, lush lawn that has a
slightly softer feel and finer
texture than the Dwarf Enduro. Not recommended for high traffic areas or play areas and should be used where beauty and aesthetics are most important.
100% Ryegrass Low maintenance and wear tolerant turf grass. Ryegrass
provides the best wear tolerance of any cool season sod. Due to its poor heat and cold tolerance, it is not recommended for areas that suffer from extreme weather conditions.
Ridgeside Fine Fescue Shiny, fine leafed turf grass with almost needlelike blades. A cool Season sod, it is best suited for moist and shady areas. Also known as "no mow", Fine Fescue can be allowed to grow along hillsides to provide a beautiful meadow grass appearance. Not recommended for hot or dry regions.
Non-Netted Blueridge
Sports Turf Non-netted blend of 50% Kentucky Bluegrass and 50% Perennial Ryegrass
developed specifically for
sports field applications. It
closely resembles Blueridge
with its dense, lush appearance but has a much
higher wear tolerance needed for sports fields, parks, and playing surfaces.